Stefan Fehrenbach

Hi, I know a bit about programming languages and databases. I’m a consultant and freelance software engineer. If you’d like me to work for you, please get in touch.


I got a PhD from the University of Edinburgh. I worked on programming language support for data provenance with James Cheney.

In 2016 I interned at IBM Research. I worked on an Apache Spark backend for the formally verified query compiler Q*cert with Jérôme Siméon.

In 2015 I interned at Microsoft Research to work on Trill with Mike Barnett. Trill is a high-throughput streaming query engine which derives much of its performance from runtime code generation. Over the summer I rewrote the code generation framework from text templates to a custom AST transformation system based on the Roslyn C# compiler.

I got Bachelor and Master of Science degrees from the University of Marburg in Germany. My bachelor’s thesis revolved around evolving legacy code bases to use domain-specific languages. My master’s thesis was about just-in-time compiling parsers using Oracle’s GraalVM and Truffle framework to speed up parsing of syntactically extensible languages.


I live in Marseille, France. Email me at

You can also find me on Github, Twitter, mastodon.